12 People Who Were Right to Trust Their Gut Feeling

Listening to what your intuition is telling you might just keep you safe from harm or sorrow. That’s what people online found out the hard way, when trusting their gut feeling meant a completely different outcome in a serious situation. Their stories are an important reminder for us to believe in our own inner voice.

  • I would always walk down the hallway in the night without turning the lights on. One night I get to the end of the hallway and have a sudden urgent feeling that I need to turn the lights on.
    I go all the way back to my room and turn the hallway light on and go back.
    Just in front of where I had decided to turn around was a huge and deadly Taipan snake making its way from one room to another across the hallway. If it had bitten me in the dark they wouldn’t have been able to get me the correct antivenom. © risska / Reddit
  • I was mowing my backyard with a ride-on mower, and I began to get an overwhelming feeling of being watched. I started looking around and thought I saw a figure in the upstairs window. I tried ignoring this as no one was home and continued with mowing when I started to feel an unbearable sense of dread.
    This made me immediately stop. As I did so, the ground in front of me gave way forming a 15-foot wide 12 foot deep sinkhole. If I hadn’t stopped immediately I likely would have been crushed by the tractor. © MujimIsYou / Reddit
  • My wife and I rented a really nice cabin in Big Sur, California, for a few nights. She woke up panicky and crying (which she never does) over a bad dream. I had an awful feeling after waking up and told her we could go for a drive.
    The further we went, the better we felt. We ended up staying in Monterey for the night. The cabin we were at burnt down. I still get chills writing this years later. © Unknown user / Reddit
  • I asked my mother to take me home early from boy scout camp because I was afraid of bears. A bear ravaged the camp the night I left. Luckily, it didn’t hurt anyone. It just tore everything up from what I was told. © SenatusRomanus / Reddit
  • I’m a firefighter. We got called out to a tree fire started by fallen power lines. We pull up in the truck, and I’m trusting that my driver and crew leader are doing their job and have good situational awareness. We get out of the truck, and we’ve parked next to a set of power lines (not fallen). It’s a very windy night and I can see the lines swinging, so I voice my concerns to my crew leader who says it’ll be fine.
    We get our hose out (risk of the tree fire catching onto a house outweighing potential risk of arcing plus the line disconnected when it fell) and I’m on the branch ready to start putting it out with two others near me when I get a chill. I look up to see the lines swinging violently and yell, “everyone move”. As the three of us sprint and dive out of the way we hear a thwip and crack and sure enough the line we were under came loose and stayed connected to the power pole. If I hadn’t got that chill chances are we would all have died. © DYESMOD / Reddit
  • My daughter was a year and a half at the time. She had a cold, but bedtime went off without a hitch. I woke up in the middle of the night that night, really uncomfortable and anxious. Something was off, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. I got up, had a midnight snack, tried to calm my nerves. I decided to check on my kids, who shared a room, before trying to go back to sleep.
    I get in there, and immediately I hear a light sound coming from her crib—wheezing. It was so quiet, there was no way to hear it outside of the room. I got her up and saw that her breathing was fast and labored. I took her to the hospital, where she ended up with an overnight stay, oxygen, and nebulizer treatments because her oxygen had dipped. She was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease due to the cold (which triggered an asthma attack). © Thr33wolfmoon / Reddit

I was riding my motorcycle with a friend on the back. We were going down a country road behind a truck hauling a bunch of old car tires when all of a sudden I decided we shouldn’t be there, so I slowed way down to let the truck go ahead of us. Just as I did, one of the tires fell off the truck and landed right where we would have been. © d***eyeAZ / Reddit

  • When I was two or three, I had nightmares. One night I woke up, went to my foster parents’ room, and informed them that there was a bee under my pillow. “No, there’s not, Arwen. Go back to sleep,” they said. Cue the rivers of tears. Finally, my foster mom goes into my room, switches my light on, says, “There aren’t any bees in here. Look!”
    As she picks up my pillow lo and behold, a bee flew out. My mom shooed the bee out the window as I was sobbing hysterically. She gave me the strangest look and asked how I knew the bee was there. I had no idea. My nightmare was completely unrelated. © Unkown user / Reddit
  • I was like 5 or 6 when my mom and sisters wanted to go for a drive out of town. I cried and cried because I just didn’t want to go with them for some reason, and decided to go with my other sister in her car. Turns out, my mom and other sisters ended up crashing, and they said, “If you were in the car, you would’ve had to sit in the middle, and you would’ve died.” Luckily my family was okay though. But I sure did feel really cool after that. © SnowLeopard000 / Reddit
  • I was driving on the road one night and I saw a car in the middle of the road with two people lying on the ground. My gut feeling was that something is suspicious here, and I decided to act on it by driving past the car and the two people.
    I stop to take my phone out and call the police and I look at my rearview mirror to see the two people lying on the road stand up with five other people coming out of the bushes. © Naweezy / Reddit
  • I met this cute girl on Halloween night, so I invited her to a party I was going to later. She drove with me to the party and I took her two friends too. We talk a little, but we ended up working the room and got split up. I had this sudden overwhelming urge to find her and I ended up getting a little worried.
    Some guy had moved in and had brought her outside and taken her to a semi private area underneath a patio balcony. I didn’t really care what he thought, grabbed her by the hand, acted like it was important and led her out of the party and in to the front yard. We both heard a massive crash as the very large patio collapsed above where she was standing three minutes before.
    I know most certainly that if I hadn’t grabbed her, she wouldn’t exist today. I ended up marrying her, and imagining how it almost never happened in such a dreadful way terrifies me. © Unknown user / Reddit
  • My mom tells this story a lot. She was working in an office, and she suddenly had a powerful urge to leave her cube, just to leave and be somewhere else for no reason. Not a minute later, a fifteen-foot-wide section of the ceiling collapsed, burying the floor in metal and plaster. © Kaleon
    / Reddit

We all have personal stories we’re afraid to share because they sound unbelievable. But some people feel better sharing them anonymously online. We gathered a few of those eerie stories in this article, and they prove that anyone can be deeply affected by spooky situations.

My Stepmother ‘Gifted’ Me an Old, Smelly Couch — When She Saw What I Did With It, She Demanded $2,500 From Me

When Nicole’s stepmother calls her saying that she has a gift for her, Nicole goes over excitedly. But when she discovers what the gift is, Nicole is torn between keeping her father happy or retaliating. Finally, she accepts it and plans to transform it into something completely different. In the end Nicole is ready to claim the rewards of her hard work.

Ever have one of those moments where you should’ve just trusted your gut? Yep, that was me, standing in my stepmother’s basement, staring at the ugliest, smelliest couch I’d ever seen.

A close up of a young woman | Source: Midjourney

A close up of a young woman | Source: Midjourney

My stepmother, Susan, called me earlier that morning with a grand gesture for my birthday. She insisted that she had a “priceless” gift that was too big for her to move alone.

“You’re going to love it, Nicole!” she said. “It’s absolutely priceless! Come over later today, and we’ll show it to you.”

Now, this is the point when I tell you that Susan and I had never been close. In fact, if I’m being honest, she barely tolerated my existence. So, imagine my absolute surprise when she offered me a gift.

A smiling woman | Source: Midjourney

A smiling woman | Source: Midjourney

“Curiosity killed the cat, Nic,” I said to myself as I got into the car.

I just wanted to see what it was, and I hoped that, for once, she might actually be genuine.

So, I get to my dad’s house, and he tells me that Susan’s busy.

“She’s sorting out the basement, honey,” he said. “Susan is finally cleaning out her clutter. It’s about time, to be honest. Come, have a cup of tea.”

A smiling older man | Source: Midjourney

A smiling older man | Source: Midjourney

“No, let me check out the gift first, Dad,” I said. “I’m so curious!”

He chuckled, oblivious to my nerves. Susan had a knack for random gifts. Last year, she gave me water bottles and socks for my birthday. I wondered if this year would be any different.

“Fine,” he said. “I’ll get Susan, and then we can have some tea and a slice of cake. Susan made lemon cake this morning.”

A slice of lemon cake | Source: Midjourney

A slice of lemon cake | Source: Midjourney

I paced in the foyer while my dad went down to the basement. Moments later, I heard them on the stairs.

Then I saw it.

My dad and Susan were making their way out of the basement with the monstrosity of a couch. The fabric was stained and ripped, with a stench that could probably knock out an adult horse! It looked like it had been neglected for decades!

A stained yellow couch | Source: Midjourney

A stained yellow couch | Source: Midjourney

“Happy Birthday!” Susan beamed, as if she were handing me the keys to a new car.

My dad looked at me expectantly, hoping I’d be happy with the gift. But it was horrendous! Rejecting it would hurt him, and Susan knew it. I could see it on her face.

A close up of a man | Source: Midjourney

A close up of a man | Source: Midjourney

I swallowed my frustration and called my boyfriend to bring his van over.

“I’ll be there in about ten minutes, babe,” Derek said.

“Thank you!” I replied. “I think they want the couch out today, so I need to take it home.”

A woman talking on the phone | Source: Midjourney

A woman talking on the phone | Source: Midjourney

“Not a problem, Nic,” he said. “I’m just gaming online. But I’ll be done soon.”

I knew that Susan was using me as a free dump and delivery service. That couch wasn’t fit to be in any home. But again, I was determined to keep the peace for my father.

Derek showed up as I was drinking my cup of tea, and we loaded the couch and left for my home. He was going to follow me home, and we planned on having dinner together.

A young man in a driving | Source: Midjourney

A young man in a driving | Source: Midjourney

“This couch is rough,” he said. “Looks like it’s been through a storm or two.”

My initial plan was to dump it at the curb and let someone else take it, but then something shifted inside me. I wasn’t going to let Susan win.

I decided to restore the couch and give it a second life. And so began a project I ne ver thought would lead to surprising results.

A young woman with yellow rubber gloves | Source: Midjourney

A young woman with yellow rubber gloves | Source: Midjourney

First, I tackled the smell.

The couch reeked of a stench that it seemed to have a life of its own. And the odor only got stronger as the day went on.

Luckily, I found a recipe for a DIY deodorizing solution online: white vinegar, water, and a few drops of lavender essential oil. I mixed it up and sprayed it generously over the couch, letting it sit for a few hours.

Glass bottles on a counter | Source: Midjourney

Glass bottles on a counter | Source: Midjourney

The vinegar smell was overpowering, but it faded, taking most of the nasty odor with it.

Next, I had to deal with the stains.

The years of spills and neglect had left their mark, so I whipped up a cleaning concoction of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and a small amount of dish soap. With a soft brush in hand, I carefully scrubbed the stained areas, working the mixture into the fabric.

Different cleaning supplies on a counter | Source: Midjourney

Different cleaning supplies on a counter | Source: Midjourney

I let it sit for about fifteen minutes before wiping it off with a damp cloth. The transformation was already noticeable. The stains were fading, and I felt optimistic about my restoration project.

But then I had to deal with the rips and tears. A simple needle and thread weren’t going to fix this.

A woman scrubbing a couch | Source: Midjourney

A woman scrubbing a couch | Source: Midjourney

“Nic, you need material,” Derek said while marinating chicken in the kitchen. “There’s no other way than to do a funky patch job.”

“I agree,” I said. “Will you be fine here while I do a quick dash into town?”

Derek nodded.

“But why are you rushing?” Derek asked.

A young man in the kitchen | Source: Midjourney

A young man in the kitchen | Source: Midjourney

“Because if I don’t, it’ll end up as another sidelined project.”

“Go,” he laughed. “I’ll finish dinner in the meantime.”

So, I went to the local thrift store and found some reasonably matching fabric, random buttons, frills, and even two throw cushions.

A young woman in a thrift shop | Source: Midjourney

A young woman in a thrift shop | Source: Midjourney

I used fabric glue to patch the larger holes and an iron-on fabric mender for the smaller tears. Finally, to give the whole couch a more cohesive look, I added some decorative buttons and tufting in key areas, making it look almost intentional.

A young woman sitting on a couch and looking through buttons | Source: Midjourney

A young woman sitting on a couch and looking through buttons | Source: Midjourney

“Alright, give it a rest, Nic,” Derek said as he took the last flatbread out of the pan. “You can finish it off in the morning.”

My arms were exhausted from all the scrubbing, so I was ready to listen to Derek and just sit down and eat everything he prepared.

Flatbread on a board | Source: Midjourney

Flatbread on a board | Source: Midjourney

But the next morning, I was back at it. I used my steam cleaner and thoroughly steamed the couch. I spent hours going over every inch of it, bringing the fabric back to life while I imagined every germ evaporating into oblivion.

By the time I was done, the couch looked like something out of a high-end furniture store.

“Damn, Nic!” I said to myself. “Well done, girl.”

A woman steam cleaning a couch | Source: Midjourney

A woman steam cleaning a couch | Source: Midjourney

Feeling pretty proud of my work, I decided to post the couch on a social media marketplace for $5,000. It was almost a joke because I just wanted to see if anyone would go for it.

I loved the restoration of the couch, but I also just wanted to see if I could make some money from my DIY project.

“What on earth?!” I exclaimed when my phone buzzed with a notification. Someone named Maggie was ready to purchase my couch!

A woman holding a phone | Source: Midjourney

A woman holding a phone | Source: Midjourney

To my shock, within a day, I got an offer from someone in the ritzy part of town. I couldn’t believe my luck, but I accepted the offer anyway.

“This is just wonderful,” Maggie said.

The moment I agreed to the sale, she came flying over to my place to test out the couch.

“This couch is going to be perfect for my art studio! Why would you ever want to get rid of it?” she asked.

“I’m just redecorating,” I said sheepishly. “But look, it’s yours to love and enjoy.”

A smiling woman | Source: Midjourney

A smiling woman | Source: Midjourney

A few days later, Susan showed up at my doorstep, furious. She had seen the post and the fact that the couch had been purchased for $5,000.

“You ungrateful little brat! How dare you sell my gift?” she screamed.

“Susan, you gave me a piece of junk. Actual junk. I put in the time and effort to restore it. The only reason it was worth anything now is simply because of my work.”

But she didn’t back down.

A close up of an angry woman | Source: Midjourney

A close up of an angry woman | Source: Midjourney

“It was my couch! I expect half the money since you sold it. That’s $2,500!”

I couldn’t believe her nerve.

“No, Susan. If you wanted to sell the couch, you should’ve done it yourself. The transformation and profit are all mine.”

“You’ll regret this!” she shouted, storming off.

She hasn’t come back, so I don’t know what she’s planning. But I know I’ll be getting a call from my dad soon.

A smiling young woman | Source: Midjourney

A smiling young woman | Source: Midjourney

What would you have done?

If you enjoyed this story, here’s another one for you |

In-Laws Kicked Us Out of the House They Gifted After We Paid for Renovations — Then It Got Even Worse

When Mike’s parents offer him and his family a home, they are over the moon. Mike and Maria have a growing family, and they need the extra space. So, they venture into renovations, making the house a home. But one day, Mike’s parents called, wanting their home back.

When my in-laws offered us a house, we thought it was a dream come true. With three kids and a tight budget, any help came as a blessing.

A close-up of a house | Source: Midjourney

A close-up of a house | Source: Midjourney

But, let me be honest with you: the house was far from ideal.

“It’s in the middle of nowhere, Mike,” I told my husband when we were sitting on the couch talking about the possibility of moving into the house.

“It’s miles away from the kids’ school and our jobs! We’ll have to leave a lot earlier just to make it on time,” I said, sighing.

A couple sitting on a couch and talking | Source: Midjourney

A couple sitting on a couch and talking | Source: Midjourney

“I know, Maria,” my husband said. “It irritates me that the nearest grocery store is twenty minutes away. But I don’t want to seem ungrateful.”

I understood. Their gift came at the perfect time. Our little two-bedroom house was cluttered, and our three kids had to share one bedroom.

A cluttered bedroom | Source: Midjourney

“We’ll do it for the kids,” I said, taking his hand. “Whatever happens, we’ll make it work for them.”

“Think of it as a fresh start, kids,” Mike’s mom said when we went over to their home for dinner. “You’ll love the peace and quiet, and the kids will have a lot of space to run about in. This is going to be good for you.”

“Yes, Mom,” Mike said. “We agree with you. We’re looking forward to this new start and just going on a journey together as a family.”

A family sitting at a table | Source: Midjourney

A family sitting at a table | Source: Midjourney

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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