My Avaricious In-Laws Attempted to Dismiss Our Ill Mother, but She Cleverly Schooled Them

When Lexie’s husband, Cameron, learned that his parents had lost their jobs and would have to leave their home, he was deeply troubled. Lexie felt for him and decided to let her mother take them in, even though they didn’t have room themselves.

Cameron’s parents, Jessica and Roger, moved into Lexie’s mother’s spacious home, which was already adapted for her mother’s wheelchair needs. Initially, things seemed to go smoothly, with Jessica cooking meals and Roger helping with yard work. However, that didn’t last long.

Soon, they started to complain about their living situation. They were unhappy that Lexie’s mother occupied the first floor and criticized the simple meals she provided. Despite finding jobs, Jessica as a librarian and Roger as a proofreader, they refused to buy their own groceries.

Concerned for her mother, Lexie noticed that Jessica and Roger were even suggesting that her mother move to a nursing home. When Lexie confronted her mom about it, her mother assured her that she could handle the situation.

A few days later, Lexie’s mother told Jessica and Roger to pack up and move downstairs, claiming she needed a nursing home. However, instead of moving to the first floor, her mother called social services for help.

The next day, social workers arrived, ready to assist Jessica and Roger in finding social housing. They were furious and confronted Lexie and Cameron. Jessica shouted that it was unfair, while Roger claimed they had done so much for Lexie’s mother.

Cameron felt torn between his parents and his wife, but Lexie defended her mother, reminding them that they had taken advantage of her kindness. Despite their protests, Jessica and Roger were told they would have to find their own way.

Though angry, they were eventually placed in a small apartment near their jobs. Afterward, Cameron worried it was all his fault, but Lexie reassured him that his parents had been ungrateful.

That night, Lexie suggested they visit his parents to check on them. The next day, they found Jessica and Roger surrounded by unpacked boxes and the smell of burnt toast. They admitted to their wrongdoings and realized they had taken advantage of Lexie’s mother.

Cameron expressed his disappointment in them, explaining how their behavior affected him. Lexie stayed quiet, allowing Cameron to speak his mind while they all shared a meal. On their way home, Cameron stopped to buy flowers for Lexie’s mother, showing his appreciation for her kindness.

My son stays quiet as his wife insults me — But he soon teaches her a lesson in front of guests

A woman named Kate posted a story of how her son chose silence instead of defending her when his wife insulted her.

Namely, Kate loved to cook, but since her husband’s passing things changed and she somehow lost hold of that part of her. However, whenever a holiday was around the corner she would prepare the most delicious dishes to her son John, especially for Christmas when he would always come for his annual roast dinner.

This year, however, was a bit different since John’s wife, Liz, attended the family dinner for the first time. The two dated for quite some time, but over the course of a couple of years, she would always spend Christmas at her parents’ house.

Kate woke up early because she knew she needed time to prepare the main course, which was a chicken with gravy on the side, all the side dishes and desserts that her son loved.

As she was preparing the food, Liz entered the kitchen with her phone in her hand and started looking around. At that moment, she made a face as though she smelled something terrible, but Kate, already sweating away, decided to ignore her and didn’t say a word.

Sadly, things turned for the worse when Liz suddenly exclaimed, “Hey, Kate, maybe we should order food. Not everyone wants what you’ve cooked. I don’t know if everyone enjoys your cooking, either. Every aspect of Christmas is supposed to be enjoyed by everyone. They should enjoy the food, too!”

As expected, Kate was shocked by her daughter-in-law’s harsh words.

“I saw John leaning against the archway, nibbling on a carrot. He altogether avoided my gaze, looking over me and out the window across the room. I held back my tears and bit my lip,” she wrote in her post.

As most of the guests arrived and sat on the table, it seemed like they all enjoyed the food Kate prepared for the night.

At one moment, John asked, “The food’s great, right? Everyone’s enjoying it?”

John’s uncle helped himself to another serving of roasted potatoes and asked, “Why wouldn’t we enjoy my sister’s food?”

“Because Liz said that the dinner might be ruined by Mom’s dishes. She wanted us to order in,” John explained.

“Nonsense!” Kate’s brother said as he dipped his potatoes into the gravy.

Hearing this, John looked at his mom and smiled. Kate then realized that her son didn’t react before because he was waiting for the right moment to teach his wife a lesson.

Liz turned red as everyone starred at her and Kate admitted that she even felt bad for her because it was her first Christmas with the family.

Later on, while packing the dishwasher and emptying dishes of food, Liz approached Kate.

“Kate, I’m sorry,” she said. “I was so wrong to do what I did. I am sorry, please understand.”

“Understand what?” Kate asked her.

“I only said that because John loves your food. He always talks about how you make all these special things for him. I can’t make a basic mac and cheese without him saying yours is better. I looked at the food, smelt all the delicious smells from this kitchen, and panicked.”

“Liz, you should know that a boy and his mother’s food is a relationship in and of itself,” Kate said with a laughter as she tried to diffuse the tension. “I can teach you how to cook just like me. My mother taught me everything I know.”

“Really?” Liz asked. “Even after I’ve been so horrible?”

“Yes,” Kate replied.

Thankfully, Kate understood that Liz’s intention wasn’t a nasty one, she simply felt threatened by her mother-in-law, but she soon learned it was for no reason.

Kate then took Liz to the Christmas tree and handed her the present she bough for her.

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