Julia Roberts’ Daughter Made Her Rare Appearance, but People Keep Noticing One Detail

Julia Roberts, the famous Hollywood actress, likes to keep her personal life, especially her three kids, out of the spotlight. She and her husband welcomed twins Hazel and Phinnaeus in 2004. Three years later, their son Henry was born. Though they are quite private, Julia and Daniel Moder sometimes share small glimpses of their family life with fans. This time, many fans couldn’t help but notice a particular detail about Hazel’s appearance.

Hazel made her red carpet debut at the Cannes Film Festival in 2021.

Julia Roberts’s 19-year-old daughter Hazel is stepping into the spotlight just like her mom. In 2021, she joined her dad, Daniel Moder, at the premiere of Flag DayIt’s a drama directed by and starring Sean Penn, which also features his daughter, Dylan Frances Penn, in a lead role. Daniel Moder served as the film’s cinematographer, and his daughter decided to support him on the red carpet.

At the premiere, Hazel shined in a long yellow button-up dress paired with black Mary-Jane shoes, while her dad looked sharp in a classic black suit.

Fans couldn’t help but notice a particular detail about Hazel.

Fans noticed how much Hazel resembles her mom, Julia Roberts.

With her radiant smile and striking features, Hazel looks like a younger version of the famous actress. Many pointed out the uncanny resemblance, noting that Hazel has clearly inherited her mom’s charm and elegance.

Roberts is raising her kids to have less reliance on technology.

Julia Roberts has always been protective of her children’s privacy, rarely posting pictures of them on social media. She values real-life connections with her family, away from phones and technology. In her house, one rule is to put phones away, especially during meals. “We just had sort of simple rules where we had a charging station where everyone’s phones go when you get home. There’s no phones at the table,” Julia shared in 2023.

In the interview, she said that being at home “with kids and no devices” actually “sounds like a good time” to her. Julia explained that she raised her kids to not be overly dependent on technology, reminiscing about the days “when you couldn’t get ahold of people, or they couldn’t get ahold of you.”

“I think of a family coming together at the end of the day, and you actually have things to talk about at dinner because you haven’t been in contact all day long a hundred times or a busy signal,” she said.

The actress is a proud mom of college students.

Hazel and Phinnaeus are both in college now, and Julia Roberts couldn’t be prouder. “It’s really thrilling, and I wasn’t lucky enough to have a college experience. So to see how it’s happening for them is really fascinating. And yeah, I’m just, I’m excited for them,” she opened up.

On a December 2023 episode of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Julia shared that supporting her kids’ colleges has become a big part of her life, “You become immediately like, ’This is my entire life.’ I wear the colors, I do the whole thing.”

When Jimmy Fallon asked if her youngest son, Henry, was sad to be the only child left at home, Julia replied that while Henry missed his siblings, he also enjoyed being the sole kid at home, “I think it’s a good 50/50 split. He’s loving it. And I think he misses his people.”

She’s still a hands-on mom even though her kids are older.

Julia Roberts continues to be a hands-on mom. On the Today show, she expressed her gratitude for the ongoing involvement she has in their lives. “I parent them the same way out of the house that I parented them in the house,” the actress opened up. “Which is ’Are you getting enough sleep? You sound like you’re sick, are you drinking enough tea? Text me when you get home. I can see that you’re home safe and sound,’” Julia explained.

She continued, “And I have an immense amount of appreciation for both of my older kids because they still allow me to be the same mom to them, and it’s not eye-rolling. There’s a huge amount of understanding.”

Despite her busy schedule and the distance between them due to college, they stay connected through group calls.

She is grateful for finding work-life balance.

Julia has always valued finding a balance between work and family, and she’s grateful that she can often put her kids first. In an interview with British Vogue in 2024, Julia reflected on how achieving success early in her career allowed her to prioritize her family when her children were younger.

“I think that the luckiest aspect of my work life/family life is that the success of my work life came earlier. So by the time I had the success of my family life and had a husband and children who wanted to stay at home, I had been working for 18 years,” she said.

Julia expressed her deep gratitude for being able to pause work life to nurture her home life.

I never force my son to say SORRY and THANK YOU — it could psychologically traumatize him,” a reader wrote to Bright Side to share her unique parenting style and to seek advice from other parents. She often faces criticism about her methods of upbringing and wants to know if other parents have had similar experiences.

My Fiancé Humiliated Me in His Wedding Vows

It was the day that I had been waiting for. After months of wedding planning and dieting to fit into my dream dress. This was the moment.

Bride walking down the aisle | Source: Midjourney

“Come on, darling,” my father said, holding out his hand, ready to walk me down the aisle to Jason.

“How do you feel?” my father asked me, kissing my forehead.

“Happy,” I said simply. “I’ve been dreaming of this moment for years now, Dad.”

We walked down the aisle to soft music that I had chosen months ago. The guitarist perched on a wooden stool.

A bride and her father | Source: Midjourney

“You look beautiful, Emily,” Jason said, taking my hand from my father.

The ceremony began with the priest talking about love and commitment, just as he had told us he would.

“It’s time for the vows,” the priest said, smiling at us both.

“Jason, you are my best friend, and I’ve always wanted to marry my best friend. I promise to support you, to always laugh with you, and to grow with you. I vow to be faithful and cherish every moment we have together. In this life, and the next.”

Bride saying her wedding vows | Source: Midjourney

My sister sighed next to me, wiping away her tears.

“Jason,” the priest said. “It’s now your turn.”

Jason looked at me and smiled, and then he turned to his groomsmen, causing them to snigger.

A bridesmaid crying at a wedding | Source: Midjourney

“Emily, my love,” he said. “I promise to always be there for you, even when you’re nagging me to take out the trash because you think the house smells.”

Jason’s groomsmen chuckled.

“And I’ll always hold your hand, especially when we’re walking through spider-infested areas because we all know how much you love those eight-legged critters.”

The groomsmen laughed louder. Some of our guests joined in.

Groomsmen laughing | Source: Midjourney

And still, Jason continued.

“I vow to remind you to pick up your dragging feet when you walk, so we can avoid another trip to the emergency room like that time you tripped over absolutely nothing. And to taste all the burnt lasagna in the world because that’s your signature dish.”

The more Jason spoke, the more embarrassed I got.

Groom reading his vows | Source: Midjourney

I frowned at him, hoping that he would understand that there was nothing beautiful or romantic about his words. But he ignored me and continued.

“Also, I will tolerate your singing in the shower. It may sound like a cat in distress but at least it makes me appreciate good music! And most importantly, Emily,” he said.

“I promise to forgive you for basically forcing me to propose to you after you left those bridal magazines all over the apartment.”

My jaw dropped.

A woman in the shower | Source: Unsplash

I didn’t know how to react. Jason’s groomsmen were all but falling over each other with laughter.

“Really?” I whispered to him.

Jason winked.

“Now, it’s time for you to exchange rings,” the priest said.

Jason’s niece came up to the altar with the wedding rings tied onto a little cushion that she clutched tightly.

“Here you go, Aunty Emily,” she said nervously.

A little girl holding a ring cushion | Source: Midjourney

“Thank you, sweetheart,” I said, taking the rings from her.

Holding the rings, I realized I didn’t want to put Jason’s ring on his finger. We were married now, all but for signing the registration book.

But after hearing Jason’s vows, I didn’t know if I wanted to be with this man.

“Give me your hand,” Jason said, pulling my hand.

He slid the ring onto my finger and held his hand out for me to do the same.

A bride putting on the groom's wedding ring | Source: Unsplash

My stomach turned. Suddenly, my dream bubble had burst. Nothing felt as it had moments before.

“Jason, you may now kiss the bride!” the priest exclaimed.

Jason grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, his other hand gripping the back of my neck. He kissed me without passion or feeling.

A couple kissing at the altar | Source: Midjourney

“What on earth was that?” I asked Jason when we were doing our photographs before the reception.

“What do you mean?” he asked, frowning.

“Your vows,” I said. “They were insensitive and embarrassing.”

“No! They were cute!” he said. “I kept them true to us.”

A bridal couple talking outside | Source: Midjourney

“You basically told everyone that I’m a nag and clumsy. And that I forced you into marrying me.”

I crossed my arms and waited for some kind of explanation.

“Oh, come on, Emily,” he said. “Everyone was laughing. It’s not as deep as you’re making it. Let’s just do this photoshoot and go back to the party. I am starving.”

I bit my tongue. I didn’t have it in me to fight.

A smiling groom | Source: Unsplash

At the reception, Jason truly let himself go. He went overboard with the drinks and ate enough steak and potatoes to make anyone sick to their stomach.

“Mom,” I said, kneeling next to my mother before the formalities began. “I don’t feel good.”

“What do you mean, sweetheart?” my mother asked.

“Jason…” I said, my voice trailing as the weight of my uneasiness set in. “Those vows were nothing but an embarrassment.”

“Maybe it was just nerves, Emily,” my mother said. “You know how Jason can be sometimes.”

A bride looking down | Source: Midjourney

“I don’t know, Mom,” I said. “I just feel like the magic has escaped.”

Soon after, the emcee got up and began the formalities. Jason’s brother stood up and spoke about how we met and his first impressions of me.

“I didn’t think Emily would stay!” Jackson laughed, his beer bottle in his hand. “But I guess she knows how to deal with my brother.”

It went on and on, and my husband ate up his brother’s words, chuckling loudly.

A man giving a speech | Source: Midjourney

Then, it was time for my father-in-law’s speech.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have a few words to say to my son and his new bride, the lovely Emily,” he said.

I held my breath. I had always gotten along with Robert, and he had always treated me well. But I had thought the same of Jason until his vows were said.

A man giving a speech | Source: Midjourney

I didn’t know if I had to prepare myself for something from Robert, too.

If I had to be honest with myself, I just wanted to run away. I didn’t feel like a bride. I didn’t feel much like anything. I didn’t even feel like myself.

I wanted to rip off my wedding dress and get into my comfiest pair of sweatpants. I wanted to cry.

A bride feeling sad | Source: Midjourney

“Jason, do you know what makes a marriage work, son?” Robert asked.

“Uh, love? Attraction? Chemistry?” Jason said, faltering.

Who on earth is this man? I wondered to myself.

“It’s respect,” Robert said, shaking his head. “It’s about cherishing your partner and never making them feel small or embarrassed. Today, you turned your vows into a series of jokes at Emily’s expense. That was not only inappropriate but also deeply hurtful.”

A groom looking upset | Source: Midjourney

I glanced around and saw some of the guests were shaking their heads.

“To teach you a lesson, Jason,” Robert continued. “I’m going to share something about you that you might find equally embarrassing.”

“What? Dad! Stop!” Jason said, standing up.

“Jason still sleeps with a nightlight. He says that it’s because he likes to read in bed, but we all know that it’s because he’s afraid of the dark.”

A nightlight next to a bed | Source: Midjourney

Laughter erupted through the room.

“And let’s not forget about the time when Jason tried to cook for Emily and set off the fire alarm because he didn’t know that normal people don’t put metal in microwaves.”

“Dad, just stop it,” Jason hissed.

“Or about the time when he got drunk after a party, and insisted that he needed to sleep on the floor in my bedroom.”

The crowd laughed louder.

A crowd laughing | Source: Midjourney

“I shared these stories not to embarrass you, Jason. But to show you how it feels. Humor at someone else’s expense isn’t funny, it’s cruel. You need to understand the consequences of your actions.”

I smiled at Robert, finally feeling seen.

“Emily, on behalf of my son, I apologize. Jason still has a lot to learn about being a loving and respectful partner. But I know that he can do better, and I hope you give him the chance to prove it.”

A smiling bride | Source: Midjourney

“I’m so sorry, Emily,” Jason said from beside me. “I thought I was being funny, but I see how ridiculous I was being. Give me another chance.”

“Fine,” I said. “But it’s going to take more than just empty words to fix this.”

I want to give us another chance, but something still feels very off.

A close-up of a groom | Source: Midjourney

What would you do?

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