Mom Fights Back! DMV Demands She Surrender Her Vanity Plate After 15 Years

A mother of four was shocked when New Hampshire’s DMV told her she had to give up the vanity plates she had for 15 years.

The plates were a playful reminder to her sons to use the bathroom before getting in the car. However, the DMV didn’t see it that way and decided the plates referred to “sexual or excretory acts.”

In 2019, Wendy Auger from Rochester, New Hampshire, was told by the DMV to turn in her vanity license plate after using it for 15 years.

“It would be a real shame if I lose it,” said Wendy, who often gets compliments on her funny plates.

Referencing the state’s motto, “Live free or die,” she added, “If I have to take it off, then I won’t be able to live free.”

Her plates read “PB4WEGO,” reminding her kids to “pee before we go” before getting in the car.

“What parent hasn’t said that to their kids before leaving the house?” she asks. “I’m not one to protest, but this is just ridiculous.”

However, the DMV sent her a letter saying the plates needed to be turned in because they believe the letters refer to “sexual or excretory acts.”

“I’m not a political activist,” she tells CNN. “But this plate isn’t offensive. It’s part of our family and who I am, and there was no reason for them to take it away.”

At the time, Auger had 10 days to return her plate and was allowed to pick another custom plate for free.

After getting the letter, she posted it on Facebook with photos of her plates.

Her post quickly went viral.

One person commented on Auger’s social media page, saying, “This is so ridiculous… It’s funny and cute, and it’s a great reminder!” Another person wrote, “What’s going on?! You’ve had that plate FOREVER.”

A third person suggested, “Maybe it should say Pee or Pay…??? lol”

Responding to those who encouraged her to fight the decision, Auger joked, “Live free or die my arse,” and added, “I might get a plate that says ‘dmv sux,’ but I might get pulled over a lot!”

Her post gained a lot of attention on social media and eventually caught the eye of New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu. He sent her a message saying: “Hey Wendy, it’s Chris Sununu. Just wanted to let you know we fixed that issue. Sorry for the mix-up and the delay, but common sense won out in the end.”

On August 28, 2019, Auger shared a new Facebook message, announcing her victory.

“This Sassy Momma Has Her Plates!!!,” writes Auger.

What is the funniest license plate you’ve seen? Please let us know what you think and then share this story so we can hear from others!

Playground craze leaves 11-year-old boy “looking like an alien” – mom issues warning for parents

no to something that sounds dangerous.

Unfortunately, children are susceptive to peer pressure and the like; even the most intelligent of youngsters can be coerced andfmconvinced to partake in stunts that promise dire consequences.

Just ask the parents of 11-year-old Tyler Broome, who suffered horrific injuries after trying a YouTube craze known as ‘the roundabout of death’.

Yes, the name alone pretty much tells you the salient facts of the matter, but for Tyler it wasn’t so much an incredibly dangerous stunt as a way to show his friends how fearless he was.

The 11-year-old thereafter sustained injuries consistent with those seen in fighter pilots, after bein subjected to extreme gravitational force (G-force).

The craze he participated in – known as the ’roundabout of death’ – sees participants sitting in the middle of a playground roundabout whilst it’s spun at high speed using the rear wheel of a motorcycle.

Shortly after the ordeal, Tyler was found unconscious near the roundabout, left with possible damage to his brain and vision.

Extreme force

It’s believed he was subjected to the sort of G-force usually only encountered by pilots and astronauts.

It’s reported that Tyler was at a local park with a friend when they were approached by a group of older teenagers who dared them into the game.

Terrifying ordeal

“I don’t recognise my child – he is on the verge of having a stroke. Tyler sat on the roundabout, and the boy who came over was about 17. Tyler doesn’t know him, they are not friends,” his mom Dawn said, per British newspaper The Independent.

“He puts his motorbike on the floor, gets the roundabout spinning at such a speed. When they all stopped, the group just cleared off – it is bullying.”

Dawn claimed that hospital staff had never seen such injuries and had to do research before they were able to begin treating her son.

“The injuries were so extreme, he just looked like the Elephant Man. They have never seen it before, they are going to make a medical report from it.

“His head has completely swelled up, his blood vessels have burst, his eyes look alien. His vision is blurry. You can manage a broken arm but this? He doesn’t remember it, he doesn’t remember the detail.”

Parents, please always bear in mind that children are susceptible to trying things we adults would stay well clear of.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to young Tyler and his family. Share this story to spread the warning over an incredibly dangerous game.

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