During a guest appearance on HBO’s Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace, the 80-year-old Copacabana singer said he didn’t think it was important to announce his sexuality during the earlier decades of his career.
Manilow came out in 2017, almost three years after he married his husband and manager Garry Kief in a private ceremony. The couple have been together for 45 years now, though they’ve kept much of their relationship away from the public eye.
When he came out to People magazine in 2017, Manilow — whose real name is Barry Pincus — worried he’d be “disappointing” some of his fans by revealing his sexuality. Instead, Manilow, who was 73 at the time, said the reaction from his fanbase was “beautiful.”

Despite his current feelings of nonchalance about his own coming out, Manilow said announcing his sexuality as his career was booming would have been a bad idea.
“Now being gay is no big deal,” he explained. “Back in the ’70s it would have killed a career.”
Regardless, the usually very private Manilow said he thinks “everybody knew that Garry and I were a couple all those years.”
“Really, Garry and I’ve been together for so long,” he said. “It just never dawned on me that we’re going to come out. But when we got married, it was a big deal, so we did.”
Manilow credited Kief for saving his life. He said he is thankful he had Kief to support him as his music career was taking off, despite keeping their relationship under wraps.
“As my career exploded, it was just crazy. And, you know, going back to an empty hotel room, you can get into a lot of trouble if you’re alone night after night after night,” Manilow explained. “But I met Garry right around when it was exploding. And I didn’t have to go back to those empty hotel rooms. I had somebody to cry with or to celebrate with.”
Manilow said he did not wish an isolated hotel room for any young people.
“It was pretty lonely until I met Garry. And then it was fun,” he smiled.
Kief is not Manilow’s first spouse. In 1964, Manilow married his high school sweetheart, Susan Deixler. They were married for one year.
Manilow told CNN’s Wallace he “really did love” Deixler, but added “the gay thing was pretty, pretty strong. I couldn’t deny it.”
The singer said he knew he was gay before marrying Deixler, but their marriage ended because Manilow couldn’t be the committed husband his then-wife needed. He revealed that his sexuality was not the reason his marriage failed.
“We had a very nice marriage, it was great, but I was away every night making music, as a young musician would be,” Manilow described. “It wasn’t good for me, and it wasn’t good for her.”
“I couldn’t be the proper husband,” he continued. “I was out making music every night, sowing my wild oats. I wasn’t ready to settle down.”
Brooklyn-born Manilow skyrocketed to international fame in 1974 after his release of the ever-popular pop-rock ballad Mandy. He became one of the biggest-selling musicians of all time. Prior to his success as a singer-songwriter, Manilow was behind a number of famous commercial jingles for brands like State Farm and Band-Aid — a gig that he has said helped him create catchy hooks for his own hit songs.

A Demanding Celebrity Insisted the Stewardess Remove Me from My First-Class Seat – I Gave Her a Lesson in Respect

I’d always heard about rude celebrities but didn’t believe that reputation until I came across someone like that. This local star tried bullying me out of my comfortable airplane seat, but I had a smart idea on how to make them pay! My plan involved enlisting the help of a pregnant woman.
Traveling first class was a treat I rarely allowed myself, but after months of relentless work, I figured I deserved a little luxury. I’m a 33-year-old woman who’s worked hard to get where I am, and this European getaway was my reward. I envisioned the next few hours filled with comfort, maybe even a glass of champagne to kick things off. But the moment I reached my seat, the dream began to sour.
HE was already sitting there, reclining as if the entire cabin was his private domain. I recognized him instantly! He was a local reality TV star who’d been all over the tabloids for his outrageous demands and diva-like behavior.
Seeing him in person, it was clear that fame hadn’t been kind. He wore sunglasses indoors, and his expression radiated entitlement. Our local celebrity barely glanced at me as I placed my carry-on in the overhead bin, but the coldness in that brief look said it all.
I knew better than to judge someone based on gossip, so I smiled politely and began to settle into my seat next to him. But before I could even sit down or fasten my seatbelt to enjoy the long-haul flight, I heard him snap his fingers!
It was a sound that sent an odd shiver of annoyance down my spine. He was summoning a flight attendant as if he were a king demanding a servant! I could feel his scrutinizing gaze as he waited to be attended to.
“Excuse me,” he began, his voice dripping with disdain, “I need more space. I’m not comfortable with someone sitting next to me. Can you please find her another seat?”
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