Boy didn’t stop kicking our seat during a very long Flight – Here’s what my dad did

Hi everyone, I’m Evelyn from Minnesota, and I have a story that will make you think twice before boarding a plane again. My dad and I were traveling from Alberta to Minneapolis. What started as a cozy and comfortable flight soon turned into a nightmare, all thanks to a little boy and his oblivious parents.

The Kicking Begins

About 40 minutes into our flight, a boy, probably around ten years old, started kicking my seat. At first, I thought it was a joke. I turned around and politely asked, “Hey buddy, can you please stop? I really want to enjoy my flight.” His parents shot me a weird look while the kid made a face, but I thought he got the memo.

Five minutes later, the kicking resumed, more relentless than before. This time, he was hitting both my seat and my dad’s. My dad, always the calm and composed man, politely asked the boy to stop as well. And he did… for about ten seconds. Then, it started again. Bam. Bam. Bam.

The Audacity of the Parents

My dad decided not to call the flight attendant. Instead, he reclined his seat as far as it could go. The boy, unable to kick anymore, started whining to his parents. The parents, instead of controlling their son, asked my dad to put his seat back up. “Our son should enjoy his flight too,” they insisted.

My dad politely refused. The audacity of these parents was beyond belief. They had the nerve to call the flight attendant on us. This is where things took an interesting turn.

The Flight Attendant’s Intervention

The boy’s father complained to the flight attendant, “This man put his seat back, and my son is uncomfortable!”

The flight attendant, maintaining her professional demeanor, turned to my dad. “Would you like to keep your seat reclined?” she asked.

“Yes, please,” my dad replied.

“Well then, we have no problem here,” she said, addressing the boy’s parents.

But the drama didn’t end there. The boy’s father was furious and demanded that the flight attendant make my dad put his seat up. The flight attendant explained that passengers are entitled to recline their seats if they wish. Frustrated, the boy’s father started raising his voice, causing a scene.

The Lesson

The flight attendant, seeing that the situation was escalating, called for backup. Another flight attendant and a senior crew member arrived. They listened to both sides of the story and then made a decision that shocked the boy’s parents.

“If your son cannot behave appropriately, we will have to ask you to move to different seats,” the senior crew member said firmly. “We have received multiple complaints about your son’s behavior.”

The boy’s parents, realizing they were outnumbered and outmatched, reluctantly agreed to move to the back of the plane. The boy’s father muttered something under his breath, but they gathered their belongings and moved.

As they walked past us, the boy shot us a defiant look. My dad smiled and said, “Next time, listen when someone asks you politely.” The boy’s face turned red, and he hurried after his parents.

Peace at Last

With the disruptive family relocated, the rest of the flight was peaceful. The flight attendants even checked on us a couple of times, ensuring we were comfortable. My dad and I enjoyed the rest of our journey, grateful that the situation had been handled so well.

When we landed in Minneapolis, we saw the boy and his parents again at baggage claim. They avoided eye contact with us, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. My dad had taught them a valuable lesson in respect and consideration for others.


This experience reminded me of the importance of standing up for oneself and others. My dad’s calm but firm response to the situation not only resolved the immediate problem but also set a precedent for how to handle such issues in the future. It’s a lesson I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life.

Traveling can be stressful, and we all need to be considerate of those around us. Hopefully, the boy and his parents learned that lesson too.

Tom Hanks Receives Sweet Tribute From Wife Rita Wilson — One Detail Catches People’s Attention

Rita Wilson celebrated Tom Hanks’ birthday with a sweet Instagram post. She shared a heartfelt message alongside a photo, marking both his special day and their 36 years together. Fans showered Hanks with love, though a few couldn’t help but notice something about his look in the photo.

As Tom Hanks celebrated his 68th birthday, his wife of 36 years, Rita Wilson, took to Instagram with a heartfelt tribute. She shared a touching post featuring a recent photo of Hanks standing proudly in front of an impressive record collection and vintage record player.

The Forrest Gump star was showered with love from his wife. Rita Wilson, 67, marked his special day with a sweet and loving message on Instagram.

“🌸🎂🎊 Happy Birthday to my love! 🎊🎂🌸 You made the world a better place the day you were born. You bring joy wherever you go. You are the bringer of laughs, a lover of vehicles, or pretty much anything, shaped like a round bath tub. The bookshelves in our house shout from their bindings your love of history and the unexpectedly romantic Maeve Binchy,” she wrote.

“You get as much pleasure from recording your radio show @bossradio66 as you do from listening to any kind of surf music on vinyl. @tcm is your go to channel any time of day or night. Your patience for our kids harassing you about your ignorance of pop culture is admirable. We love you. I love you. So much and every day. 🌸💕🌸,” Rita added.

Tom Hanks was flooded with birthday wishes and compliments, showing just how much love and respect he’s earned over the years. Along with fans, plenty of celebrities chimed in to celebrate, including Julia Roberts. The actress, who worked with Hanks on Larry Crowne, left a sweet message in the comments of Rita Wilson’s post. “Yes! Happy Birthday Tom,” wrote Roberts. “So happy you were born.”

But also, fans showered the actor with comments like: “The coolest man alive,” one fan wrote. Another appreciated Rita’s tribute to her husband, “Happy Birthday Tom! What a sweet and loving wish from your beautiful wife. May you have many more incredible years ahead of you and thanks for sharing your talent/art with all of us, your adoring fans.” And also, “He truly is a gift to the world…as are you, Rita!”

However, many people online noticed a slight change in the appearance of the actor, which is normal given that he had just turned 68 with one user stating, “I cannot believe he is almost in his 70s,” surprised by the actor’s age. Another wrote, “I would have sworn he was older! Not because he looks or acts it particularly but it just feels like he’s been around forever.”

Rita paid a sweet tribute to her husband a few months ago when they celebrated their 36th anniversary.

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