Husband Routinely Ridicules Jobless Wife for Being Idle, Discovers a Note Following Her Ambulance Departure

A man ridicules his unemployed wife, only to come home one day to find her gone. In her search, he discovers a note revealing she intends to divorce him. Can he stop her from doing so and save their marriage?

It was a bright, cold October morning, and Harry was excited about his gaming app presentation, a project he had poured himself into for the past six months.

As the clock struck eight, Harry entered the dining room, preoccupied with his phone, barely acknowledging his wife, Sara, and their sons, Cody and Sonny.

“Morning, honey,” greeted Sara.

“Good morning, Daddy,” the boys chimed in unison.

Ignoring them, Harry grabbed a toast and rushed back to his room.

“Sara, where’s my white shirt?” Harry’s voice boomed from the room.

“It’s in the wash with the other whites,” Sara replied.

Harry stormed into the dining room. “That’s my lucky shirt! I needed it for today!”

“I didn’t have enough whites for a full load until now. You have other white shirts!!”

“This is a big day for me, and you’re making excuses?” Harry retorted.

“You’re overreacting, Harry. Your presentation is what matters. It’s just a shirt. So stop barking, alright?”

“Oh really? I’m barking? You wanna do this now?”

“Do what, Harry? You’re making a scene for a stupid little thing. And nobody would be interested in what color shirt you’re wearing when all eyes would be fixed on your goddamn presentation.”

“A goddamn presentation? Come again…Did you just say that? Do you have any idea how I’ve been busting my butt off day and night for that project?”

“Watch your words. The kids….”

“You sit at home all day doing nothing,” Harry blurted out. “Is it too hard to remember one simple thing? All you do is Blah Blah Blah and NOTHING at home.”

“Harry, stop this. The kids are watching. You’re scaring them.”

“Oh really? And nobody watches you when you’re on the goddamn phone gossiping all the time with your friends. Nobody watches that, huh, Sara? You can never be a good wife if you can’t do even a simple thing for me!”

Harry dressed up in a random suit and stormed out of the house, grabbing his briefcase.

After a successful presentation and bagging the promotion, Harry anticipated an apology call from Sara – something she always did after their fights. But this time, there were no calls.

Thinking he would win her apology anyway, he returned home with white roses but found the apartment empty. A note from Sara on the table read, “I want a divorce.”

Confused and worried, Harry called Sara’s sister, Zara, who informed him that Sara was in the hospital. Harry rushed to the hospital, only to face an angry Zara. “You told her she was not ‘wife’ enough for you?”

“Look, we’ll talk about this later, alright?”

Harry rushed to meet the doctor. “Doctor, is my wife alright? Can I see her?”

“It was a mild attack. She’s out of danger. But she needs to take care of her health now. Go ahead and only ten minutes coz she needs to rest.”

Harry shakily walked into the ward, trying to force a smile as he approached Sara.

“Honey, I’m sorry. Please, let me explain. I—”

“I don’t wanna hear anything. I’m done. Divorce is the only thing I want.”

“Wha-What? Why…You’re taking it too far, alright?”

“I had ambitions, plans… I chose you over every opportunity, and it ruined my life,” she said. “It’s too late for your

“Honey, please. We can work this together,” he pleaded.

“No, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t be fake to myself. To you. And to the kids. I’m 32, but I feel like a crone. I just hate you, Harry. You’re so disgusting.”

“What about the kids, Sara?”

“I’m in a tough spot to provide for them…So they’re staying with you.”

Harry spoke no more and stormed out of the hospital to pick up his kids from Zara’s house.

At home, he ordered pizza and ice cream for dinner. After tucking the kids into bed, he called his friend Alex, who suggested that Sara might have just cracked up and would be home soon.

The next morning, Harry’s kids awoke him, and as soon as he looked at his watch, he knew he was late! In the morning chaos, Harry burnt the French toast and his shirt while juggling the kids’ school preparations.

“Oh, no, the toast,” he exclaimed, rushing to salvage the breakfast.

“Daddy…Daddy, what’s happening?” the kids asked amidst the chaos.

“It’s just the smoke alarm. Don’t worry,” Harry reassured them, but things only got worse.

He had an important meeting, and he was getting late. “I’ll quickly get ready, and let’s grab something nice to eat on the way to school, yeah?”

He dropped the kids off at school and arrived late at the meeting. “Sorry! Traffic, you know….”

When he returned home in the evening, Harry found signs of Sara’s absence more evident. Her belongings were gone. “Did she leave me for real?” he wondered, overwhelmed.

“Daddy, what happened to Mommy’s pictures and her things?” the boys asked.

Harry, clueless, called Zara.

“Is this some kind of a joke, Zara? Your sister came here. Took all her things. And left me? With the kids?”

Zara coldly informed him, “She’d told you, hadn’t she, Harry? You took my sister for granted.” And then the line went blank.

Five months went by without Sara. Harry struggled to balance work and parenting, and his work performance declined.

One day, his boss, Mr. Adams, invited him for a beer. At the pub, Mr. Adams brought up Harry’s recent work issues.

“Harry, we’ve noticed you’ve been missing deadlines and coming in late. And we’re a business…If you know what I mean,” Mr. Adams said.

Harry, trying to lighten the mood, joked, “So, you plan to let your best game developer go?”

Mr. Adams was also Harry’s friend, and Harry could’ve never prepared himself for what happened next.

“I’m afraid, yes,” Mr. Adams replied seriously. “It’s out of my hands. I’ll give you good recommendations.”

“What? Please, don’t do this! I need this job for my kids.”

Mr. Adams remained silent, leading Harry to storm out in frustration. As he walked away, his phone rang. It was Sara.

“Sara?” Harry said, surprised.

“Harry, can we meet for a quick chat at five? At the café where we first…?” Sara asked.

At a café, Sara met with Harry to discuss their children. She revealed she had been in therapy and now wanted custody.

“Custody?? How dare you? After you left us?” Harry fumed.

“Harry, I’m their mother. I have rights,” Sara insisted.

“You abandoned them, and now you want to take them away? They’re used to me now,” Harry argued.

Sara was determined. “I deserve to have them back. I’ll see you in court.”

Days later, Harry, now adept at managing household chores and balancing a new freelance gig, prepared breakfast for his sons.

“Daddy loves you,” he kissed them goodbye and dropped them at school before heading to the custody trial.

“Mr. Wills, can you please tell us about your attention to your family while you lived together with my client, Miss Sara?” Sara’s lawyer asked Harry.

“Well, I did my best to provide for my family. I worked long hours. Overtime sometimes. I kept myself busy because I wanted to make sure they had everything they needed,” Harry said.

“That’s what most responsible family guys do, right?! And what about your wife’s ambitions? Did she want to build her own career?”

“Before we had our kids…Yes, she did want to work. But after that, she stayed home to look after the kids and the household.”

“Well, looking after the kids…the family…cooking, cleaning. So basically, your wife has been your cook. Your children’s nanny. Your wellwisher. And did you insult her, saying she did nothing at home?”

“I did. Yes, it was an outburst. I was late for office and—”

“Mr. Wills, were you fired from your job? Why were you fired exactly?”

“Objection, Your Honor. This is utterly irrelevant and immaterial to the case,” Harry’s lawyer rose.

“Objection overruled.”

“Thank you, Your Honor!” added Sara’s lawyer. “Mr. Wills, why were you fired from your job?”

After a momentous pause, Harry looked into Sara’s teary eyes and opened up. “Because I couldn’t balance my work and parental duties. I tried, but it was too much. But I didn’t give up. I would never give up on my kids. I love them.”

“Mr. Wills, how are you managing now? How do you intend to support your kids…without a job?”

“I have a job. I can support them well.”

“Be specific, Mr. Wills. What job and what’s the salary?”

“It…It’s a part-time freelance gig. I’m a video editor.”

“Mr. Wills, I admire your confidence despite your climbing down the career ladder! I’m sure you make nothing much like you used to in your previous job, right?” the lawyer added ironically. “A freelance job. Low salary. And raising two kids in today’s recession. Well…That’s all, Your Honor.”

Sara was then called up to the box as Harry’s heart started pounding.

“Ms. Sara, can you please tell us about your life with your husband…I mean, soon-to-be ex-husband?” Harry’s lawyer asked. “Did he ever refuse to give you money or care for you in any way?”

“No…Not at all. He was always generous with our finances. We never had any issues with money.”

“Did Mr. Wills ever raise his hands on you or the kids? Has he ever come home drunk and misbehaved at home?”

“No, he never laid a hand on us. My husband. Sorry. Mr. Wills has never come home drunk.”

“Your husband has taken care of you. You even agreed on that. He’s never laid his hands on you. Then why did you leave him and the kids?”

“I had a nervous breakdown. He was always busy. He would come home and sit with his laptop, barely asking me if I was sick…happy…or sad. I tried to cope. But I couldn’t do it anymore and left. I didn’t want my kids to struggle with me as I wasn’t emotionally stable at that time.”

Harry slowly started to break on the inside, and those words hit him like a bag of bricks.

“Ms. Sara, where were you these six months? What were you doing, and how will you care for the kids?”

“I was in Chicago at a friend’s place. I wanted to be away from everything and everyone for a while. Then I moved back to Boston…got a job as an interior designer.”

“What’s the guarantee you won’t have another breakdown and won’t abandon the kids again?” the lawyer broke Sara’s silence.

“Objection, Your Honor. This is baseless and….” Sara’s lawyer chimed in. “My client, Ms. Sara, has come for the children’s custody. Why would she leave them again?”


“I won’t do it ever again. My children are my world. I’ll be there for them and never let anything like that happen again.”

And two hours later, the verdict was announced, and Sara was granted custody of the kids.

“….Mr. Wills, you’ll have the right to visit your children and take them with you two days a week. You’re required to pay $860 as support to your children every month. This case is now closed.”

Soon, the day arrived when the kids would go with Sara. She arrived, sad to separate the kids from their father but happy to have them back. As she was leaving with her two sons, her elder one stopped her.

“You’re just tearing us apart,” spoke Cody as he let go of Sara’s hand and bolted to Harry.

“We want both Mommy and Daddy!” added Sonny.

This was it. Sara could no longer hold herself back. She bolted in their direction and hugged them.

I Received an Old Letter from My Husband That Said, ‘I Did This for Us but You Must Keep Silent’ — the Truth Left Me Stunned

I was so excited to receive a letter sent by my husband when we were teenagers. But the cryptic note inside and photos of our classmates, including one of a friend who drowned, left me questioning our entire lives.

It was a quiet Saturday afternoon, the kind where nothing particularly exciting happened. My husband, Ernest, was tending to the garden. Our kids, 15 and 14, were out with their friends.

Happy man gradening | Source: Midjourney

Happy man gradening | Source: Midjourney

Meanwhile, I was sitting in the kitchen of our cozy suburban home, sifting through the day’s mail. There was nothing unusual, at first. Bills, advertisements, and a random catalog I’d never requested.

But tucked between a grocery coupon and a credit card offer, I spotted a yellowed envelope with frayed edges. That was odd, yet what was even more surprising was the postmark dating back 20 years.

Upon closer inspection, I recognized Ernest’s messy handwriting. Had he sent it? Based on the date, we must have been in high school still. He and I started dating a couple of years after graduation and got married 15 years ago.

A bride walking down the aisle | Source: Midjourney

A bride walking down the aisle | Source: Midjourney

The idea that he’d sent me something even before that was extremely exciting and romantic, so I smiled as I ripped into the envelope.

Inside was a single piece of paper and ten small photographs. There was a message on the note and the words immediately made my smile disappear:


What did that mean? I really had no idea, so I glanced at the photos, hoping they might explain.

Photos on a table | Source: Pexels

Photos on a table | Source: Pexels

Most of them featured the teenagers from our high school, faces I recognized immediately. Well, some more than others. I saw myself, Ernest, my best friend Cynthia, etc. But one in particular stood out, and not for a good reason.


I gulped as the memories came back. Soon, tears started stinging my eyes.

Thomas had been a friend of ours, too. He was a sweet, goofy guy who had tragically drowned one summer. It was a horrific event. I always thought the best of him. I always… well. But staring at his photograph, I noticed something else.

A teenager by a lake | Source: Midjourney

A teenager by a lake | Source: Midjourney

Thomas was standing by the lake where he met his end, while everyone else’s photos were taken at the school. Why was his image different? And why did my husband write that strange note? Were those two things related?

Either way, something wasn’t right.

I was still holding the photos and the note when the back door creaked open. Ernest walked into the kitchen, his gloves and hands streaked with dirt from yard work.

A man in gardening clothes | Source: Midjourney

A man in gardening clothes | Source: Midjourney

He smiled briefly at me, but as soon as his eyes landed on what I was holding, the smile vanished.

“Where did you get that?” he asked sharply.

I hesitated. “It came in the mail,” I said, holding the envelope up. “Ernest, what is this? You sent it 20 years ago? And this note…” I unfolded the paper, showing him the bold words.

My husband’s eyes darted between the note and the photos in rapid succession, but he didn’t say a thing.

“What does it mean?” I urged.

A woman looking worried | Source: Midjourney

A woman looking worried | Source: Midjourney

At last, he let out a laugh, a breathless sound.

“Wow, I can’t believe it really showed up after all this time,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “There was a company that offered to send you packages in the future. I was just messing around back then. I thought they went bankrupt.”

I frowned. Was there really such a thing? Like a time capsule messenger service? I had no idea, but in any case, it didn’t explain the note.

A woman frowning | Source: Midjourney

A woman frowning | Source: Midjourney

“But then, what does this message mean?” I insisted. “‘I did this for us, but you must keep silent.’ I don’t understand.”

Ernest laughed awkwardly again.

“I was trying to get better at photography back then. I wanted to be a photojournalist, remember? I think I was also trying to impress you. You’d friend-zoned me in high school. But also, I didn’t want others to know. It wasn’t exactly the coolest thing for a guy to be into. I probably wrote that just in case the package was sent immediately by mistake. I didn’t want you to tell anyone.”

A teenager with a camera | Source: Unsplash

A teenager with a camera | Source: Unsplash

He took a deep breath after finishing that long-winded explanation and turned, removing his gloves and beginning to wash his hands.

I studied his back. It was tight, and his movements were jerky. “What about Thomas?” I asked, holding up a specific photo. “Why did you take this by the lake, instead of the school like everyone else?”

A man washing his hands on a kitchen sink | Source: Midjourney

A man washing his hands on a kitchen sink | Source: Midjourney

Ernest turned slightly and frowned, but he didn’t meet my eyes. “Oh, I probably didn’t catch him at school and took another photo at the lake instead. He was my friend, too, you know,” he sighed as he dried his hands. “It’s sad to see that picture at all and know what happened later.”

With a nod and a deep breath, my husband left the kitchen. He didn’t rush, but his back was still stiff. I stayed back and stared at the photos again as if I could see something new; some clue I hadn’t spotted before.

His explanation made perfect sense, but something in my gut told me there was more to this story.

A woman looking worried | Source: Midjourney

A woman looking worried | Source: Midjourney

As a matter of fact, there was a time when… if things had been different… Thomas could have been my….

I didn’t even notice that 30 minutes had passed until Ernest returned to the kitchen, freshly showered. I tracked his movements as he poured himself some water and drank it casually.

“Ernest,” I began.

“Yeap?” he said, too nonchalantly, widening his eyes in curiosity.

“Are you sure nothing else is going on?” I insisted, holding up Thomas’s photo again.

A woman's hand holding up a photo | Source: Midjourney

A woman’s hand holding up a photo | Source: Midjourney

He frowned. “What are you really asking, Suzanne?”

I looked down at the table and licked my lips. I didn’t know how to express myself without any… accusation.

“It’s just that your face and your body language were pretty strange when I showed you the note and the photos,” I said and smiled, hoping to be reassuring. “Is there something else you’re not telling me? You know I love you. You can tell me anything. We’ll get through it.”

A woman smiling | Source: Midjourney

A woman smiling | Source: Midjourney

“Look, baby,” Ernest said, walking around the kitchen but not meeting my eyes once. “I was shocked by the package, the memories, what happened to Thomas. I don’t know. And what I said before is the only explanation I can think of for that message. God, I don’t even remember what I had for breakfast today, so maybe, something else happened.”

He exhaled and put the water glass down on the counter.

“Maybe, there was some inside joke between us,” Ernest suggested, shaking his head. “Again, I don’t know. But we can just throw this out if it’s worrying you.”

A man frowning while leaning on a counter | Source: Midjourney

A man frowning while leaning on a counter | Source: Midjourney

My hands instinctively placed Thomas’s photo behind my back, like I was shielding it. Ernest raised an eyebrow at me, so I started speaking.

“No, no,” I smiled wider, hoping he didn’t notice it was forced. “I was just being silly. This is actually really nice. It brings back so many memories.”

“Okay, then,” he said, approaching me. His hands touched my shoulders, and he kissed me quickly before going to the living room to watch TV.

A man's hand holding a remote in a living room | Source: Unsplash

A man’s hand holding a remote in a living room | Source: Unsplash

Once he was out of view, I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. I also tried to push down my crazy imagination before the idea of two teen boys standing by a lake appeared behind my eyes.

No. I was not going there.

Instead, I pictured the Ernest I knew: the great husband, who massaged my feet when I was pregnant, the unbelievable father who never missed our kids’ games, and the amazing provider who gave us a beautiful home, tended to the garden, and occasionally grilled the best steak in town.

Meat and potatoes on a grill | Source: Unsplash

Meat and potatoes on a grill | Source: Unsplash

And with those very real memories in mind, I let my worries go. I put the photos and the note back into the envelope and stored them in a drawer where we kept random things.

I finally left the kitchen and smiled sweetly at my husband as I passed through the living room toward our bedroom. Once in bed, I reached for my phone.

Phone | Source: Unsplash

Phone | Source: Unsplash

The AirPods settled into my ears, and I clicked play on one of my favorite podcasts about unsolved mysteries. The stories always calmed me. I must have fallen asleep because Ernest woke up me with a kiss.

He had even prepared dinner, and our teens were already at the table, chatting wildly about their day. My husband laughed and asked them questions while we dug into the food.

It was then that I took a good look at us, at this perfect moment in time with our family. I knew that in 50 years, I would still remember how happy we were.

A man smiling at the dinner table | Source: Midjourney

A man smiling at the dinner table | Source: Midjourney

And I wanted more of that. So, I looked at Ernest and squeezed his hand before turning to my kids with a smile. I listened intently to their conversation. It was a great dinner.

Later that night, I slept in my husband’s arms, holding him tightly as if he might disappear.

I had a wild imagination. I knew that. What’s more, I also knew that the podcasts I listened to tended to make me paranoid, even if I thought they were soothing.

But this was my reality. This was the truth and what mattered. I wasn’t going to jeopardize that by coming up with crazy scenarios and questioning Ernest’s words. I believed him fully, and I still do.

A happy woman | Source: Midjourney

A happy woman | Source: Midjourney

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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