If you spot a rubber band on your front door handle, you need to know the sick thing it means

There are few things more important in life than the safety and security of ourselves and our loved ones.
It should go without saying that the majority of us want to avoid danger wherever possible, and most of all in our own homes. For as long as humans have been civilized, our homes, be they small or large, ancient or brand-spanking new, have provided us with an added sense of security.

Which is why it’s so terrifying when we fall victim to burglaries and the like. The very idea of a stranger gaining access to our home and being able to snoop around and touch or take what they please gives me the creeps.

I’m sure I’m not alone in that, so I thought it a good idea to share an important warning concerning a tactic employed by some criminals looking to gain access to properties by preying on unsuspecting homeowners. Want to know more? Read on…

Security at home is usually something people take seriously. Some own dogs that they rely on to be both a warning and defensive system. Others have security cameras outside their homes in the hope of warding off would-be criminals or filming them if they’re undeterred.

As has been the case time and again throughout history, however, criminals always endeavor to stay one step ahead of the preventative methods in place to stop them.

Warning!!! Two weeks ago during the day, a hard knock was at my front door, not a regular knock but almost pounding, (I…

Posted by Kim Fleming Cernigliaro on Thursday, April 21, 2016
A Texas woman, Kim Fleming Cernigliaro, found that out a few years ago, when she found herself at the center of an alleged break-in attempt at her home.

Following her terrifying ordeal – which occurred in 2016 – Kim took to Facebook to explain what had happened, as well as to give a rather sinister warning that people would be wise to remember.

“Two weeks ago,” her post began, “during the day, a hard knock was at my front door, not a regular knock but almost pounding, (I honestly thought something may have happened to someone and they needed help) but something didn’t feel right…and I DO NOT answer the door when I am here by myself. So don’t bother!

“After several Knocks, they finally left. I glanced and could see it was a man through the stained glass of my door. After about 30 minutes I walked outside to look for what I thought would be a brochure, but instead found a rubber band around my knob to hold the door to open when I unlocked the latch. I called Ron and he told me to get the gun out and leave it out.”
Shockingly, as per reports, Kim had come very close to being the victim of a technique used by criminals to gain entry to people’s homes.

Kim’s post went on to reveal that she had contacted the local sheriff, who had informed her that it was quickly becoming a trend in the area.

She continued: “As soon as you unlatch the door, they do not wait for you to turn the knob, they can bust in on you. Anyway just be careful, I USE to be such a trusting person, but not at all anymore!”

See more about the rubber band trick in the video below:

Wow! I’ll certainly be thinking twice about answering the door to unexpected strangers from now on! Share this article to help us get the message out there.

One morning they saw a mysterious pit forming in their garden…

As Emma James diligently mowed the front yard with her lawnmower, an unexpected discovery halted her routine, a mysterious hole in the ground. Over the course of the day, this innocuous pit expanded steadily, reaching an unexpected depth of 2 meters. Adding to the intrigue, the hole contained a peculiar surprise, weathered, rusty steps.

Although the dimensions of the pit currently preclude any person from venturing inside, authorities harbor suspicions that the unearthed tunnel beneath the James’ property might connect to a canal concealed 35 years ago.

Seeking answers, the couple reached out to the construction company responsible for erecting their home in 1984. Unfortunately, the company could not shed light on the tunnel’s destination.

Expressing her bewilderment, Emma remarked: “It’s truly perplexing, these steps leading downward, yet no indication of their purpose or a cover to conceal them. Beneath lies a mixture of cement and rusty metal. We’re eager for someone to inspect and elucidate; I’m not comfortable leaving such an enigma in my backyard”.

Despite the local council’s assertion that the tunnel leads to a drain sealed off three decades ago, skepticism lingers with the homeowners. They remain unconvinced until an official examination is conducted. Frustratingly, despite assurances from authorities, no one has undertaken the task of a thorough investigation.

The homeowners fervently hope that another cavity won’t materialize, posing a potential hazard. Reluctantly, and in the absence of concrete answers, they’ve resorted to cautionary signs to prevent any unsuspecting individuals from stumbling into the mysterious void.

The James family remains in suspense, yearning for resolution and clarity about the clandestine underground structure that has disrupted their peaceful property.

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