If You’re Still Smoking Weed at 30, Scientists Have Bad News

There’s no “safe” number of cigarettes you can smoke per day. Any number of cigarettes can increase your risk of developing cancer.But the more you smoke, the more likely you are to get cancer. A 2021 studyTrusted Source looked at 229,028 Australian participants to estimate how likely people are to develop cancer by age 80,

In the study, only 1% of people who’d never smoked developed lung cancer by age 80. The study found that the risk of developing lung cancer increases to 14% if you smoke cigarettes.If you smoke one to five cigarettes per day, your risk is around 7.7%, and if you smoke more than 35 cigarettes per day, you’ll have a 26.4% chance of developing lung cancer by age 80.Bear in mind that you don’t need to smoke in order to develop smoking-related cancers. Secondhand smoke also increases your risk of developing lung cancer.

Jеnnifеr Lореz’s 16-yеаr-оld Еmmе’s lаrgе blасk рiеrсings sеts intеrnеt аbuzz

During a Parisian outing with their mother, Emme Muniz, showed off a fashion accessory that had everyone talking – flesh tunnels.

The 16-year-old child of Jennifer Lopez set the internet abuzz when they stepped out with black piercings in their stretched earlobes.

While the “Jenny From The Block” singer opted for a chic look, her teen went for an edgier look, an aesthetic they’ve been working on for several years.

“[Emme] is into experimenting with different hair colors and quirky makeup techniques,” a source told Life & Style in December 2021. Despite having “varying tastes in fashion,” Emme and Lopez still enjoy helping each other find the perfect outfit.

When photos of the child-mother duo began to circulate online, many wondered what happened with Emme.

Jеnnifеr Lореz’s 16-yеаr-оld Еmmе’s lаrgе blасk рiеrсings sеts intеrnеt аbuzz

During a Parisian outing with their mother, Emme Muniz, showed off a fashion accessory that had everyone talking – flesh tunnels.

The 16-year-old child of Jennifer Lopez set the internet abuzz when they stepped out with black piercings in their stretched earlobes.

While the “Jenny From The Block” singer opted for a chic look, her teen went for an edgier look, an aesthetic they’ve been working on for several years.

“[Emme] is into experimenting with different hair colors and quirky makeup techniques,” a source told Life & Style in December 2021. Despite having “varying tastes in fashion,” Emme and Lopez still enjoy helping each other find the perfect outfit.

When photos of the child-mother duo began to circulate online, many wondered what happened with Emme.

“Not very feminine, looks likе a dude”

“She’s rebelling against her Mother can’t wait to read that book!!”

“Some celebrity kids are doomed“

“She needs to pay more attention to her children and not be so self absorbed .”

“JLo must be dying inside.”

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