Sometimes, dads don’t get as much credit as moms in parenting. But the truth is, a father’s role in a child’s life is just as important, and they deserve the same love. Ella Travolta wanted to appreciate her dad, John Travolta, for everything he does, and she shared some heartfelt words.

At Bright Side, we believe that sharing kind words strengthens bonds, so we want to share this sweet exchange with our audience. Ella honored John on his special day.

The 21-year-old actress posted a picture on her Instagram with her dad and brother. In the caption, she said her dad is her “best friend” and someone who brings joy to her in both good times and bad.

She revealed that even though parenting is not easy, John makes it look like it is. He somehow makes every day better than the previous one for his kids. Ella also added that she hopes to be half as good a parent as John someday.

John himself shared a message for the kids.

John Travolta feels really happy and lucky to be the dad of his two children. He loves encouraging and treating his kids well. He recently shared that his daughter Ella will be in a new version of Alice in Wonderland. And of course, he proudly mentioned that he’s a “very proud dad.” He’s been keeping his family strong since last year.

Last year, John Travolta’s wife, Kelly Preston, passed away after they were married for 29 years. She was 57 years old and had been fighting breast cancer. After she passed away, John took a break to cope with the sadness and support his children. Before this, he also experienced the loss of his oldest son, Jett, in 2009.

What’s the sweetest thing your dad has done for you? And you for him? We’d love to see your photos together in the comments below!

Elvis Presley’s grandson takes the stage and shows his talent. He even looks like his legendary grandfather

Dakota Striplin stands out on the music show “The Voice” by saying that he is the grandson of Dr. Elvis Presley, who was known as “The King of Rock and Roll.” He sings a new version of “Love Me Tender” to both the crowd and the judges on “The Voice.” Each note makes them think of his rumored ancestry.

Everyone in the room is mesmerized by Dakota as soon as he starts to play his guitar and sing with his angelic voice. Deeply moved, the judge quickly turned her chair around and put her hand on her chest. Someone else, unable to turn down the appeal of his show, says:

She quickly flips her chair to show that she agrees, saying, “I have to see what’s going on here.” At the end of the song, the judges are blown away by how well he can sing and play the instruments.

The judges want to know why he chose that song and how it came about. Dakota says that for a long time, Elvis Presley has been an influence to him. As he talks about his family history, he mentions that his grandma loved going to see Elvis perform. This leads to the joke that he might be related to the King, which makes the judges laugh as they talk about how much they look alike.

As Dakota’s story goes on, he uncovers the mysterious history of his family tree. Even though Dakota’s father doesn’t say anything, his grandmother, who has a strong link to Elvis’s legacy, is very important to the story. There’s more to Dakota’s claim than meets the eye because she saw Elvis perform in Hawaii and is very sad about his death.

The fact that DNA results were found that contradict his claimed biological father’s story makes people think that Dakota might be, but you should still look him up and come to your own conclusions.

See the whole video:

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