Taylor Swift is being accused of removing the famous artist from the Super Bowl seat

Kanye West apparently intended to upstage Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl but the pop superstar torpedoed his plan at Ieast, that’s what one former NFL star is claiming.

Brandon Marshall who played in the league from 2006-2018 for a number of teams made the shocking allegation on his “Paper Route” podcast this week explaining that he’d heard Ye purposeIy purchased seats right in front of Tay Tay’s suite for the Big Game.

According to this purported tea the idea, it seems, was an attempt to photobomb all her inevitable TV appearances. On its face, it comes across as a good old-fashioned spite effort.

However, the ex-All-Pro receiver explained the alleged scheme never came to fruition as Swift made “a call or two” to have Ye kicked out of Allegiant Stadium entirely that’s what Brandon’s cIaiming anyway.

Take it all with a grain of salt, but considering how polarizing Ye has been recently and Swift being the non-athlete face of the SB champs this season it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility the league may have nudged KW to somewhere a little more Iow-key.

It’s also hard to say with any certainty whether she actually got him fully kicked out or not, as Brandon suggests here especially if he bought a ticket lawfully and by the book.

In any case BM sounds 100% confident that he’s breaking news with the world here. Also worth noting TMZ spoke with Ye for several minutes on Monday and he onIy mentioned Swift in a pretty lukewarm manner.

I Got Attacked by a Dog — Now I Have Hair Growing on My Nose

woman whose nose was ripped off in a vicious dog attack now has hair growing out of her skin grafts. What she’s going through is as odd and rare as it sounds, and it has left everyone shocked. Read on to discover her story.

She was attacked by her dad’s rescue dog.

In September 2022, Trinity Rowles’ life took a dramatic turn when her dad’s rescue dog attacked her. The dog, a Pitbull-Bulldog mix named Irish, had always been a gentle giant, more like a “great big teddy bear.” Trinity often looked after him, especially when her dad was away. But on that fateful day, after an argument with her dad, the tension in the house may have set Irish off.

Trinity remembers the attack as completely out of character for Irish. She explained that breeds like Irish are very emotional and can react unpredictably in high-stress situations. “Animals can only communicate in so many ways,” she said. When she started to walk away, Irish suddenly attacked, leaving her shouting that the dog was biting her nose.

Rowles has very blurred memories about the episode.

the hospital, and after that, her memories were a bit fuzzy.

The recovery had been long and painful.

Trinity Rowles was in the hospital for four days after the attack and then had to go back for surgery to fix her nose. At just 20 years old, she’s already had four surgeries and might need up to six more to repair her face. One of the surgeries involved a skin graft from her forehead and scalp, which even led to hair growing on her new nose, something she is struggling with every day.

The whole experience left Trinity with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), causing her frequent flashbacks, trouble sleeping, and a need for therapy and medication. To help cover the costs, a fundraiser was set up, and so far, over $6,400 has been raised toward the $10,000 goal.

The attack has shaken Trinity’s confidence, making it hard for her to accept her new appearance. She’s now much more aware of the dangers dogs can pose, something she hadn’t thought about before. On top of everything, she’s struggling with the mental impact of having hair grow on her nose, forcing her to shave twice per week.

She now has a whole community following her journey on social media.

The 21-year-old has been sharing her recovery journey on TikTok, posting updates about her healing process, including the unexpected hair growth on her nose. In a recent video titled “Let’s remember to be nice to humans,” she reintroduced herself to her audience, many of whom know her from the attack by a family member’s dog.

In the post, she expressed her gratitude to those who have supported her from the beginning and took a moment to address her critics. She acknowledged her appreciation for her supporters and suggested that despite the negativity from some, her experience has allowed her to connect with others who have faced similar situations.

Here, we explain why some hair can grow in extremely odd ways.

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