The poor dog is in critical condition and is left outside the hospital like a bag of bones

Ellie was a dog like no other. He had an energy and zest for life that was contagious to all who met him. But it wasn’t always that way. Ellie had a rough start to life that left him in a critical situation in front of a hospital. He was emaciated, just like a bag of bones, and he looked as though he had given up on life.

But then something miraculous happened. One day, a group of animal lovers were passing by and noticed Ellie lying there. They could see he was in a critical condition and decided to take him in. They brought him to a nearby vet, examined him, and determined that he had been severely neglected. He was dehydrated, malnourished, and suffering from a number of health problems.

Despite his difficult condition, Ellie’s spirit was still strong. He was a fighter and refused to give up. The vets and animal lovers who had taken him were amazed at his resilience, and they knew that they had to do everything in their power to help him. Over the next several weeks, Ellie received round-the-clock care from a team of dedicated animal lovers. They fed him small amounts of food every few hours to help him regain his strength, gave him fluids and medicine to treat his health problems, and spent countless hours with him providing him with love and attention that he had never received before.

As Ellie began to recover, his personality began to shine through. He was playful, energetic, and loving. He had a zest for life that was infectious, and everyone who met him fell in love with him. Word began to spread, and people from all over the world began to follow his journey on social media.

Despite his newfound fame, Ellie was quite humble and grateful. He knew that he had been given a second chance at life, and he was determined to make the most of it. He began to work with the local animal rescues to help other dogs in need, and he became an ambassador for animal welfare. As Ellie’s story continued to spread, he became a symbol of hope for animals everywhere. People who had never considered adopting a dog before began to change their mind after hearing his story.

Ellie’s journey is a reminder of the resilience of animals and the transformative power of love and care. It’s a testament to the incredible impact that a group of dedicated individuals can make on the life of a neglected and abused animal. Ellie’s story is an inspiration to us all, and we should strive to be more like him, to be fighters and never give up, to be humble and grateful, and to use our experiences to help others in need.

Supermarket in Finland welcomes dogs, with special carts for canine customers

The grocery store in the Finnish city of Tampere even has an official golden retriever who tests out dog treats and shares the results in Instagram videos.

A ‘su-paw-market’ in Finland is welcoming canine customers, with specially-adapted carts which allow dog owners to bring their pooches grocery shopping. 

The Kesko grocery chain in the city of Tampere has introduced the “Koirakärry” – dog cart – as a way to welcome in more dog-owning customers at one of its stores, where usually only service animals would be permitted inside the aisles. 

“The idea is already used in some countries, but not in Finland, and we have a lot of dog owners nearby,” explains Matilda Tistelgren, who has been operating the supermarket with her partner Joona Pesonen since the spring. 

“We have a golden retriever ourselves, and if we go out jogging with the dog and forget something from the store, we don’t want to go home, leave the dog, then have to return to the store ourselves, we want to be able to take the dog with us,” Matilda tells Euronews. 

The carts have a dog bed in the bottom, and a clip for leads or harnesses, with owners encouraged to pick up their pups and put them inside – although a future version of the cart might include a small ramp so the dogs can walk in unaided. 

Since taking over the management of the supermarket in Tampere’s neighbourhood Kissanmaa – which funnily enough translates as “Cat’s Land” –  Matilda and Joona have introduced other pet-friendly innovations. 

The couple’s own retriever Tove appears on Instagram with ‘Tove Tastes’ videos where she samples different dog treats.

“Our customers love it,” exclaims Matilda. “In this part of town we have a lot of dog owners and that means a lot of dog customers too, and we already have a lot of hairy regulars,” she adds.

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